Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Our Philosophy

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in our philosophy."
Machado de Assis

I think that this idea caused curiosity to kill the cat in this story. However there are many examples in history of people who used this philosophy in a positive way to bring greater understanding and shed light on misunderstood concepts. 

For instance: Galileo Galilei

Galileo believed that there was more to life than the philosophy of his society. He researched and studied and found much much more than his society believed. However as he published his theories he was confronted by immense opposition from his society. 

Another example of this way of thinking is Christopher Columbus.
He saw the world differently from his society. He dreamed deeper than the philosophy of his culture. Which led him to conclude that the world was not flat, but that it was round and he could take a ship across it. He put his theory into action as well. However, his life did have saddening consequences in the end. 

A different example of this is Joseph Smith. He taught doctrines that had not been thought of by the majority of the people in his society. However, many believed the truth he taught. But he too was heavily persecuted by his society for the things he taught. 

My last example is someone who changed the entire world. His name is Jesus Christ. He taught what the powerful leaders of his society were not willing to hear, despite the reality of the truths he taught. It is so sad when society blind folds its self and will not accept reality. Christ also was persecuted and died in His truth.

All of these men provided greater understanding to people about the world they live in, allowing amazing advances in their societies.

Galileo allowed the advance of physics, Columbus allowed travel and discovery of the Americas, Joseph Smith taught true principles and let the people govern themselves allowing a group of people to establish a city in the desert of Utah, Jesus Christ changed the entire world. =)

How can we apply the principle of looking outside of ourselves and the negatives of our society? What could be accomplish? How could we inspire? 

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