Wednesday, October 10, 2012

For centuries, human kind has thought deeply concerning "THE SCREAMING SHEEP".... just kidding.... but seriously.

I hope that was funny, but if it wasn't.... maybe this will be funny:

Was that funny? I thought it was funny. Why was that funny? What is it about these weird random "viral" videos that is so funny? It obviously is funny to someone because they remake the same video over and over again except they add in some sort of variation to make it funny in a new way. For example:

It is really interesting to me that in our YouTube culture we take one video and then we elaborate on it over and over again. As seen in the video above, Conan uses the idea of the "screaming sheep" and he elaborates on it with other variations of the same idea.

To me, this is very similar to Xul Solar's paintings, he has done the same kind of thing over and over again.

What similarities do you see in these paintings by Xul Solar? The ladders/staircases, the hills/buildings, and the dimensions? That is what I see. I feel similar feelings when I look at each picture because of those similarities, however, the differences or variations added to each one, give these pictures each a different flavor.So I guess what I am trying to say is that each picture feels the same, but tastes different.

Do you see the resemblance between Xul Solar's paintings and these modern day photos of Mexico City?

The same variation technique is used in Diego Rivera's paintings and murals. I noticed the flowers and women were the similarity in each of these paintings, but he also used each woman and the way they interact with the flowers as a variation.


Why do we use variation in order to explore and explain?

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