Thursday, October 18, 2012

"I told you Maria Candelaria doesn't talk to anybody. Nobody socializes with her because of you know what." (The film, Maria Candelaria)

I think the town people and I have the same problem.

It is hard for me to see Maria Candelaria as a savior symbol. Even though it does make sense when I think about it, it's still hard for me to see her that way because I know that she is being played by Dolores Del Rio, who was a sex symbol of her day. She was promiscuous.She wasn't like Jesus.

Now that I think about it tho, the whole reason that Maria was killed was because the people couldn’t see Maria as being anything like the Savior. They could not find the Christ-like qualities in her. They did not see her in infinity they saw her in totality. They turned her into an object in their minds. They saw her as "the prostitutes daughter" and as soon as they believed she had done something that a prostitute would do they killed her for it. even though she was totally innocent and she was actually a victim of the whole situation.

Her story actually makes me think of a story in the Bible, John chapter 8. A woman was taken while she was in the act of adultery and she was about to be stoned to death for it. She was saved from this awful death when Jesus told her accusers this "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." (John 8:7)

Who are we ready to stone? Are there people that we see or think of and judge them? Who do we stone to death in our society today?

When you think of Marilyn Monroe what do you think of?
Probably something like this?

The half closed glazed over sensual eyes, and the slightly open lips that look like she just finished kissing someone?

Why don’t we ever think of this, this is Marilyn Monroe as a child.

Quotes from Marilyn Monroe:

"A sex symbol becomes a thing. I just hate to be a thing."
"Being a sex symbol is a heavy load to carry, especially when one is tired, hurt and bewildered."

"I have feelings too. I am still human. All I want is to be loved, for myself and for my talent."

"The thing I want more than anything else? I want to have children. I used to feel for every child I had, I would adopt another."

Do we stone Marilyn Monroe?

Here is another example… a more modern one.
Can you guess who this is?

This little girl in recent years has said this: "I'm really insecure about everything. I see what I look like, but there are things that I like and things that I dislike. My hair is good. The color of my eyes is good, obviously. I'm too short. But overall, I'm not super excited about the whole thing. I never think I'm worthy of anything... I have a sick feeling of being mocked all the time. I have a lot of self-loathing. Self-loathing doesn't keep me from being happy. But that doesn't mean I don't struggle. I am very vulnerable."

Who is this?

This is Megan Fox.
Do we stone Megan Fox? Do we stone her for the person we think "we know” that she is?
I don't know...but I think that we do. Just something to think about.

I believe that we need to see people in infinity. We need to recognize the Savior-like qualities in everyone and we need to help magnify those qualities. 

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