Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Unity through Rhythm

Music is a tool used to create unity in many cultures

For instance, in Europe, music played on the bagpipes and drums was used to unite an army in battle.

The foundation of this music is the beat or the rhythm of the drums. Marking out the march of the soldiers. Thumping and pumping the adrenaline through their veins.

 In the American Civil War the drum was also used in battle to unify troops under the commanding officer. To provide direction and orders to the troops while they were in combat.
Even our marching bands today have a drum line to unify our schools during football games and other sporting events.

They drum in Africa.

 They drum in Latin America.

Music cultivates unity between people, but it also cultivates unity within a person. 
Dance. When you hear certain types of music it makes you want to move. This movement is called dance or dancing. There are many forms of dance, for instance in class we discussed forms of Latin American dance like Samba.

Have you ever noticed how when people dance really well they are able to move their body in really amazing ways that you wouldn't other be able to do unless you were dancing? The body can move in dance in very fluid, flowing, rhythmic, coordinated, or in other words UNIFIED motions. I feel like dance is an outward expression of how music unifies your body with the rhythm that is going on inside.

Another example of this is a form of "dance" that is not as commonly known as dance is also a major point of unity, especially in Latin America, as well as many other countries. This form of dance is called soccer.

Do you notice how the principles behind dance and soccer are really similar?

Why is it that music unifies the body? 

The heart beat!!! It is the basic rhythm of the human body. Listen to this!

So I conclude that the basic rhythm of the body is also found in music, especially Latin American music, dancing music.

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