Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Art of Creation

"Iracema would then see the stranger go from the prairies of the Tabajara; then will gladness return to her heart?" (Alencar, Pg. 25) 
File:Iracema (Antonio Parreiras, 1909).jpg

Have you ever felt as if you were being tugged in different directions by opposing but equal forces?

Iracema seems to be really conflicted and feels a lot of pressure from her people. Martim is also very conflicted because he has a bride waiting for him at home, but now he is wondering about Iracema because she is so different from anything or anyone he has ever met and now his eyes are opening and wondering about other possibilities, like Iracema.

Isn't it funny how when worlds collide we feel like we are being pulled in different directions? 
This video illustrates what is happening to Martim and Iracema. As Portugal and Tabajara are bridged to create Brasil.

I think we all experience this when we are moving through life and finding what we are comfortable with. But it seems to me that it is difficult to stay comfortable for long. I feel we often find something that is different and intriguing and we desire to understand it because we don't understand it.

I think that men especially are stereo typical for doing this. Martim, for instance, is involved in conquest, and it its the manly conquest in him that leads him to be so intrigued and want to conquer or understand and know Iracema.

This makes me think of totality and infinity. The conquistador in men seems to want to know others entirely. But it is true that once we know them we no longer value them the same, but we begin to treat them as objects. On the other hand, I feel that the way to overcome this almost eternal conquest, pull and intrigue, is to learn to see others with an infinity mindset. as we see others as infinite beings we are able to find someone we want to be with forever as well as live appropriately around others without being intrigued inappropriately by passions we should not feed. It is as we see others infinitely that we are able to combine our world with another person's world and create a new world correctly. I believe God the Creator, our Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ, are the masters of this difficult art.

I don't know if this made any sense, I hope so haha 

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