Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Attachment Theory

Attachment theory is pretty interesting.

I feel like attachment theory is kind of the whole sum of both of the videos we watched in class and thir corresponding songs.

Fuiste Tu is definitely all about attachment theory. I think that these two people Arjona is writing about loved each other, they loved so deeply that they are afraid to admit it. Have you ever felt like that? They were afraid to admit that they loved the other person and they were afraid of that deep love, that deep passion scared them. And so as a result they react out of fear and place blame on each other for the failure of their relationship.

Have you ever loved so deeply that it scared you? I know that this intensity of love is scary because it has the potential to create pain. The pain of losing what you love. That is very scary.

I think that this video by Calle 13 about Latinoamerica is very very interesting when you compare it to attachment theory. Let's take what was just discussed above and apply it to Latinoamerica.

So the first part I want to talk about is the very beginning it looks like this:


Soy, I am, Soy de Latinoamerica, My origin is Latin America. But what does that mean? He goes on to try and describe it...

Soy lo que dejaron, I am what they left. I think this line is really interesting especially in conjunction with the beating heart in the ground attached to the roots of a tree.

What is the origin of Latin America?

Is this the origin of Latin America? To me this looks like a single mom. A mom and a child that has be "LEFT". Something like La Malinche.

Similarly I think this scene puts it all together:

Watch closely at 4:43 in the video.

What I notice is that the woman who is a tree plants a seed and it becomes a heart beating in the ground and then it becomes a child who grows. I think that this child is "Latinoamerica".

Who is this child, what is latinoamerica? Who does latinoamerica love so deeply so that at the same time he is afraid of and hates?

Attachment theory. I feel that this song is about attachment theory. Think about it. =)